I love this time of year. When school starts and the summer surfers return to their suburban surrounds, eagerly awaiting winter so they can start snowboarding and stuff. It's also the time of year when offshore winds and early morning fog are a common occurrence. When the sun sets a little earlier and the evenings become a bit more brisk. Campfires are more important this time of year, providing warmth as well as an easy way to cook big cans of beans and buffalo burgers. I also like to layer - Tellason from top to bottom, and a Cowichan I acquired on accident. I don't, however, enjoy wearing wet wetsuits. Or boots. Or gloves. Oh well. That being said, the surf on Saturday was incredible. With wind howling from the east and waist high waves rolling in at reasonable intervals, it was everything I could ask for. I don't deny it was difficult; extra effort was required to catch a couple. But fuck they were fun! We surfed for six or seven hours and ended the evening with an Invasion! From Planet C screening on the side of Fargo the Cargo Van. A mess of stoke was mined. Follow the link for a few more photos.
Right Alright.
Sails Up!
Squat Shot.
The Choppa!
Touching the Tip.
Images brought to you by Bricky Register.
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